This Game was created as the artifact of my master project, with the goal of using the design rules for representation of social movements in games, I created as part of my thesis.
In “Whose Streests?!” the player is in charge of a peaceful protest through a small city, the goal is to get from the meeting place to the goal. On the way to get there the player has to gather as many protesters as possible, so the demonstration has a better visibility. To attract new protesters the mood at the demonstration has to be kept high.
To fulfill the this tasks the player has the option to switch between four character, all with different abilities. As the person holding the banner you decide which way the demonstration takes, but be careful there are streets that gets the mood up faster than others. The poster task lets you put up posters in the streets to amplify the message of the protest. Similarly the flyer character is tasked with handing out flyer to attract more protesters to the demonstration. The last task is security, who is in charge of dealing with problems.
The main target of this project was to create a game where the focus is on a demonstration. Unlike other games with this promise violence should not be part of the gameplay, the idea behind this decision was to show a more realistic view on protests, where demonstrations are peaceful most of the time. The visual style is reduced und colorful, while the design of the buildings and decorations are strongly influenced by the city of zurich.
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