Raiders of the lost planet is the final Product of the board game Module in my Game design Studies. The map is based on classic hexagon tiles, which are very often used in strategy games on board and virtual. Except for a few special ones, like the ruins and some obstacles, the hexagon tiles are not fixed on the board and will be placed randomly at the begin of every game, this guaranties endless variations of the map.
The game is set on a distant planet covered in an endless desert, in this environment different factions of raiders are making their living by looting the ancient rounds present. Their means of transportation are huge desert ships floating a few meters above the sands and darting over the dunes with breathtaking speed. The design of the game is rather minimalistic with a focus on warm colors, fitting the arid environment of the planet.
The Game itself is a strategy game with the final goal of getting as much loot as possible, for this purpose every player has his own desert ship. With this ship the players must get to the center of the map, loading treasures and getting them back to their own base, all while avoiding bandits and enemy players. Every round the bandits are spawning randomly on various tiles of the map, they will sooner or later block the players path, forcing them to fight their way through them. The fights themselves are decided rather simply by dice, where the higher number wins, there is also the chance to use action cards to intervene in the fight. The abilities of the players to alter the map with certain action cards and for instance create new paths or block existing ones, will assure a very dynamic game from start to finish.
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