News Gap is a concept for a small and casual game, it was designed as port of a module in the game design master studies. The task was to design a small game for a real costumer and present it to them at the end of the module. The costumer for the task was the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”(NZZ) newspaper, at the kickoff meeting we got the specifications for the game they wanted
It should be a casual experience, suitable for a diverse audience and and understandable for users without any experience in gaming. The other aspects of the game was not defined and was up to our imagination.
My concept with the title “News Gap” is inspired by the classical school exercise of gap texts, the intention behind this choose was to give the users a format that most would be familiar with. The texts for the task would be taken from the current newspaper if “NZZ”, this way there was a direct connection to the core business of the client.
After the gap text there is a quiz with questions about the content of the text, after that each user is given a score based on the gap text and the quiz, this score is shown in a score board with the score of all other users.
The visual design of News Gap was strongly inspired by the design of the NZZ news app, to ensure the cooperate identity was maintained.
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